
Bmx Flatland Demo @ Katerini

I did a mini show on some mountail bike small festival in Katerini city which is 80km from my hometown,it was for a small girl that had cancer,i hope all the best for her!!The ground was with rocks so i couldnt perform any of hard tricks,but it was really fun hanging out with Billy's that guy help me more than anyone else in the bmx scene,maximum respect Billy's Bikes!And also i wan to thank Dimitris Milioris for everything!


Billys Bikes is the best!


Summer 2015

This summer was great with great experience great moments,i went to some islands Kefallonia based in Ionion Pelagos to my bro Sakis Doumas he own's a hotel named Pacifae Golden Village great times as always.Then i went with in some of the best places in Greece named Chalkidiki it was great!Last but not least i went to Crete after 10 years and see all my friends and we did a tour all over Crete it was amazing!Now its time to get back on riding,cause one of my favorite season's is spring and fall cause the temp is perfect and you can progress alot in flatland,winter and summer is hard for riding....check some photos below and see you soon with updates from show's....