
SXS show 7 Octomber in Alexandroupoli North Greece

Stund Xtreme Show 7 Octomber in Alexandroupoli,a city which is in the north Greece near Turkey.

SxS show @ Kilkis city

Well it was wonderful for once again perfoming some tricks in a big big croud around 2.000 people,everything went perfect with all our tricks with bmx flatland,stund bike,atv,car driven in 2 wheels and besides that my friend Cocos whιle he was driving the car in 2 wheels he put his hand out and blow up 2 baloons..this was crazy also the crowd went crazy!!Im super motivate from that show....nice moments!!
preparing to warm up the crowd

2 wheel car

take out his left hand and blow 2 baloons..just CRAZY

spinning spinning...

wheele with a smile and followed by the atv 

pedal nose wheele backwards just works good 

ATV performing some tricks

Kawasaki ZX 12 drift bike,sirius power on that one....

the stund bike unfortonaly coulnt perform some tricks cause of the ground was slipery.. : (
